FIND YOUR PATH TO RELIEF from crhonic pain


Are you struggling with chronic pain that has left you feeling hopeless and considering surgery as your last resort?

We can help.

If you’re suffering from chronic pain that just won’t go away, you’re not alone.

You’ve probably tried everything from surgery and stem cell treatments to massage and physical therapy, only to find temporary or no relief at all. It’s frustrating, exhausting, and leaves you feeling hopeless.

That's Where Fascia Comes in

Fascia is like a thin layer of cling wrap that covers all the muscles and organs in your body

The problem is, most traditional treatments only address the symptoms of your pain, not the underlying cause. They may provide short-term relief, but the pain keeps coming back, leaving you dependent on medications or facing the prospect of invasive procedures. And worst of all, many doctors and therapists never even take the time to physically examine you and understand what’s really going on in your body.

Over time, due to injury, stress, or poor posture, this cling wrap can become bunched up and stuck to itself, creating tension and restriction that leads to pain and dysfunction.

Our specialized fascia treatment works by gently releasing these restrictions, allowing your body to heal and function properly again – often in just a few sessions, without the need for painful, ongoing treatments.

How Does Fascia Treatment Work?

1) We start with a thorough, hands-on assessment to identify the specific areas of restriction in your fascia.

2) Using gentle, non-invasive techniques, we release those restrictions, allowing your muscles and organs to move freely again.

3) Most of our clients experience significant relief within just a few sessions and continue to see lasting improvements.
The Transformative Benefits of Residual Strain Therapy

What Makes Fascia Treatment Different?

Unlike many other treatments that require ongoing sessions for months or even years, fascia treatment often provides lasting relief in just a few sessions. Here are some common conditions fascia treatment helps with:

  • Concussions
  • Whiplash
  • Slip and fall/tailbone injury
  • Dental work(root canals, filling, crowns, etc…)
  • Lasik surgery complications
  • Lazy eye
  • Tourette’s syndrome
  • “Breach baby” 
  • Fused discs
  • Musculoskeletal pain(muscle strains, arthritis, or fibromyalgia, etc..)
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Sports Injuries Recovery
  • Correct Postural Imbalances

Don't just take our word for it:

Michele has an amazing intuition and is very talented when it comes to working out tight spots, without causing pain afterwards. I have been a client since 2014 and it’s always a great experience.
Martha J Thompson

Who We Are

Michele is a true healer, she took the time to get to know me and my body before getting started, and then spoke to me again at the end of my session about what she encountered.
Kellie M Colasurdo

At Relief in Reach, we’re not just therapists; we’re partners in healing. Founded by Michele DiPinto, a passionate therapist with a focus on Residual Strain Therapy (RST), we’re committed to elevating patient care through personalized treatments.

We recognize that each patient is unique, requiring a tailored approach to address their specific needs and challenges. That’s why we’re dedicated to providing a space where patients can find relief, restore balance, and renew their sense of well-being.

Through our specialized therapies like RST, and a compassionate approach, we empower patients on their healing journey. We help them regain comfort, peace, and a deeper connection with themselves.

We invite healthcare professionals to collaborate with us. Together, we can ensure that the transformative benefits of our services, especially RST, are within reach for your patients.

holistic healthcare is our top priority

We Work Closely With Medical Professionals

We are honored to provide support to healthcare professionals including MDs, Physical Therapists, Chiropractors, OB/GYN, and Health Coaches. Our highly targeted treatments work alongside your efforts to provide holistic healing and enhance your patient’s overall care.